Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing 11: IM

IM reminds me of middle school, because that's when I first started using it. Everyone I knew had AOL, and so that's what we all used. When I got to college, my internet was provided, so I started using AIM. Now, I don't really use anything. Google Chat, occasionally. I feel like I don't have the time like I used to for sitting around chatting online.

Anyways, I created an account to use in AIM Express. My user name is callunaling. The thing is, I don't think I'll ever use it on a personal basis. I get why it's important to be familiar with instant messaging. It's a great service to provide patrons who want to ask a reference question without having to call or come in. I know of several libraries who use IM successfully for this purpose.

As I've gotten older, and as my friends have gotten older, and we're all in jobs that keep us from being online all day, none of us really use instant messaging anymore. We keep up by changing our Facebook status, by tweeting... by doing things that don't require a conversation with instant responses. If you IM someone and they don't respond within a reasonable amount of time, they're being rude. If you change your status or tweet and someone doesn't respond, they're busy.

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