Monday, June 1, 2009


I'm pretty sure I've had Facebook since it came out. I had the advantage of being in college when only college students were allowed to create accounts - as in, you could only use your campus e-mail address to sign up. Since Facebook started, there have been a ton of changes, some of which I'm not so happy with. For one thing, they opened it up to high schools, which I know made a lot of us college students groan and think they were going to turn Facebook into another Myspace, which basically happened anyways when they started adding all these apps, and now some Facebook pages are so cluttered with quizzes and buttons and "Which Twilight character are you?" that it might as well be Myspace.

I got ahead of myself. After they let in high schoolers, they opened it up to anyone, and again, college kids weren't that thrilled. For one thing, it felt relatively safe when the only people who could potentially see your profile, depending on your privacy settings, were people at your own school. Now potential employers can find out if you're a partier, or your current employer can know if you're not really sick and you're really at the beach. Worst of all: MOMS. FAMILY. My mother-in-law is on Facebook, which is fine because she added us kids but hasn't added embarrassing pictures, unlike a certain cousin of mine X(

The groups I've joined (and left) over the years have been dependent upon where I am. For example, I'm a member of UNT SLIS, IPJ 2006(reppin' an institute I attended at Georgetown), and Appalachian Newsies(I was on the newspaper staff while I was in undergrad). I'm also a member of, among others, People Who F---in Hate Grammatical Errors (App State Chapter) and Excuse Me... Have You Seen My Stapler?

I'm a fan of a few pages, including Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, Mythbusters, Barack Obama, and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness.

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